Welcome to MRBA Skills

MRBA Skills is an education bursary scheme designed to provide financial support to help UK market and social researchers develop their research skills to enhance their careers.  After helping UK researchers in financial need for over 40 years, MRBA has broadened its remit to support UK market and social researchers at the beginning of their careers as well as those who are eager to improve their skills and enhance their career prospects.

As a needs-based organisation, MRBA wants to ensure that the people Skills is helping really need support and will benefit from our assistance.  Consequently, there is quite strict criteria in place to ensure that only those who cannot afford the funding themselves, or whose employer does not have sufficient budget to fully fund the training, will receive Skills Funding.

Current Bursaries available

The MRBA currently offers two bursaries:

  • The Market Research Society (MRS) Foundation Course & Certificate in Market Research. This online course gives learners an understanding of the role of market research in society and business, and an awareness of the processes involved in designing and planning effective research. The course is a study route to the MRS Certificate qualification, is knowledge-based and provides a comprehensive grounding in the basic principles and practices of effective market research. Click here to find out more specific information about the MRS Foundation and Certificate in Market Research.

  • The Market Research Society (MRS) Advanced Certificate in Market and Social Research Practice is aimed at those who have just entered or are seeking to enter the research profession, working in the areas of commercial market and/or social research. The qualification enables candidates to develop a clear practical understanding of the principles underpinning all stages in the research process, and to develop the skills required to enable them to design and carry out key research tasks . Click here to find out more specific information about the MRS Advanced Certificate.

Currently, the MRBA are offering up to 20 bursaries a year for each qualification.


Why not take a look at our short MRBA Skills video here.