The Committee consists of six Trustees and three co-opted members. Elections take place at the MRBA’s Annual General Meeting in September when new candidates may also stand.
Virginia Monk, Chair
I have been a Trustee of the MRBA since 2016, and in September 2022, was honoured to be appointed Chair to replace Ian Brace who retired after over 20 years at the helm. I have over 40 years market research experience, most recently running my own full-service research agency.
I am a member of the International Journal of Market Research Editorial advisory board and I am also a Fellow of the MRS. Back in 2018, I spearheaded the development of MRBA Skills – a bursary scheme to help UK researchers improve their skills and career prospects in our industry.
Mike Wooderson, Technology & Skills Programme
As an independent consultant, I have over 35 years’ experience on the IT side of Market Research, dealing with the technical execution and delivery of studies, and now as an independent consultant handling ISO accreditations, so I bring a different perspective to the Committee.
I’ve been working on this website and hope to be able to help attract more technical staff in need in the industry, to approach MRBA for help. In addition, I hope to provide advice on how MRBA can better connect and improve its profile with a younger audience in this digital age.
Gill Welch, Benefits

I worked in market research for over 30 years and covered almost every market sector and research technique – both qualitative and quantitative and latterly specialising in the Media and Retail sectors. I was a User member on the IQCS committee for several years, so have some experience of the needs of fieldworkers and others on the admin side as well as on the exec side of the business.
Since ‘retiring’ – at least from paid work – I’ve taken up a new ‘career’ as a volunteer generalist adviser with my local Citizens Advice, which is interesting and rewarding. This led to MRBA approaching me to bring this knowledge to the committee by providing guidance on where our applicants and our Case Managers can go to get advice and/or help for the various difficulties our applicants find themselves faced with.
Jane Frost, CBE (co-opted), Liaison with MRS
As CEO of MRS and with over 30 years experience at board level in marketing and strategy positions at blue-chip organisations, I come from the ‘client’ side. I have worked in many sectors and many parts of the world and really understand the power of connections . I am delighted to bring the connectivity and reach of MRS to support MRBA’s vital work.
Linda Henshall, Fundraising

I came into market research in 1975 as a BBC daily survey interviewer. After working as a supervisor for several companies, I started NFC in 1983 and am still running it today.
After 10 years on MRS Council, I was asked to join the MRBA board in 2004 and have been fundraising ever since. I received a Fellowship of the MRS in 2005.
Elaine Francis, Corporate Patrons and Friends Campaign

I’ve been in market research since the 1980’s when I started as an Interviewer, working on product placements, hall tests and accompanied shops. Since then, I’ve managed fieldwork for several small and large agencies until setting up Criteria Fieldwork Ltd. in 1996.
I’m a Fellow of the Market Research Society and I’m delighted to be nominated as a Trustee after being a supporter and advocate of the MRBA for many years.
Dave Hannay, Marketing & Communications

I spent over 40 years in agency life during my working career. I semi-retired in 2021but wanted to give something back to our industry and started working with the MRBA in 2022 and became a Trustee in 2024.
In addition, over the last three years, I have been a mentor for over 50 young researchers helping them achieve their MRS Advanced Certificate which I find very rewarding.
Debbie Whittick, (Co-opted) Marketing & Communications and Fundraising