Applying for financial help

We understand that admitting you have money problems can be difficult and asking for help even harder. Sometimes people’s greatest need is someone to talk to.


How long does the application process take?

Request an application form by emailing or calling 0345 652 0303.  Complete and return the form either by email or post.  One of our Case Manager swill then be in touch to discuss your application, and that Case Manager will present your application at the next available cases meeting, which is drawn from the MRBA Management Committee.  From receipt of your application form, we aim to have a decision within three weeks.

Help in an emergency

Some people cannot wait for three weeks for a decision. Often people don’t get in touch until the situation is desperate. For these cases there is a fast-track procedure, able to make decisions quickly when needed.

Advice & Support

Sometimes people just need someone to talk to. All our Case Managers have worked in our industry. Many of them have been handling cases for years so they are very experienced at providing advice and support to applicants who come to us with a wide range of issues. They often work with other support agencies and volunteer organisations in their local areas to help ensure their applicants get the best outside advice and support possible.