The Research Network celebrated its 15th anniversary in style at the RAF Club in October, which was a very memorable and enjoyable occasion attended by many of its members. Another pleasant, though more low-key, event was the Summer Party on the terrace at Doggett’s Coat and Badge, where the sun shone and a good time was had by all who attended.

There is a full social programme for 2018 and details of events are as follows:

Spring Lunch – Tuesday 17 April

Ev Restaurant

The Arches, 97-99 Isabella Street, SE1 8DA.  Read more.

Summer Party – Wednesday 4 July

Doggett’s Coat and Badge

1 Blackfriars Bridge, London SE1 9UD

Autumn Lunch – Wednesday 17 October

Azzurro, Waterloo

Sutton Walk, London SE1 7ND

Christmas Party and AGM – early December

At all Research Network events, non-members are very welcome.   Please contact Gill Wareing at if you would like to join us for any of the events or for more information.