MRBA Bursary funding for the MRS Advanced Certificate in Market & Social Research Practice


Before reading through the steps required for application for a MRBA bursary for the MRS Advanced certificate, why not take a look at our short MRBA Skills video here.

There are four easy to follow steps to applying for MRBA Bursary Funding for the MRS Advanced Certificate:


STEP 1:  Are you eligible for MRBA Skills funding for the MRS Advanced Certificate?

First of all, have you worked for at least 3 months continuously in the UK market or social research sector within the past three years? Unfortunately, if you haven’t, you can’t apply for MRBA Skills funding, sorry!

Before moving onto the next step, does ONE of the below statements best describe you?

  • I am currently employed as a researcher, fieldworker or intern in a UK market or social research agency/supplier which has an annual turnover of less than £2m and I am earning less than £35,000 annually OR

  • I am currently employed as a researcher, fieldworker or intern in a UK client-side research team/buyer whose annual research and insight spend is less than £200,000 and I am earning less than £35,000 annually OR

  • I am currently a UK freelance or research contractor with an annual income of less than £50,000 OR

  • I am currently an unemployed UK researcher seeking a new role in UK market and social research

Sadly, if NONE of the above statements describe your current research employment status, then you will NOT be eligible for MRBA Skills funding, sorry!


STEP 2: Make a note of these key dates:

Applications for MRBA Skills financial assistance can be made at any time throughout the year. MRBA Trustees will review all applications received and communicate their decision to all applicants during the following cycles

Online Applications period

Online Applications reviewed

Decision outcome communicated to applicants

Between 15th March – 17th October

18th October – 14th November

15th – 19th November

Between 18th October – 14th March

15th March – 31st March

1st – 15th April

These timings are aligned with the MRS Advanced Certificate assessment rounds in January and June of each year.


STEP 3: The key application information required:

BEFORE you click on the link below to complete the online application form for an MRBA Skills MRS Advanced Certificate bursary,

  • Please register your interest to apply for an MRBA Skills bursary first by emailing A member of our team will then contact you to discuss your eligibility and answer any of your questions.

  • Please read the How to Apply March 2025


This explains the information you will need to have to hand when you are ready to apply for funding.  It also details the terms and conditions of the bursaries, so please ensure you read this too.

  • It’s also important that you have chosen a learning provider which you plan to study withfor the MRS Advanced Certificate.  The How to Apply March 2025 on this page provides the provider options and associated costs.  Please decide on your chosen learning provider BEFORE you start the application process for funding.

  • The ‘How to Apply for Funding‘ document also explains that you or your employer might be asked to make a financial contribution to your funding, which would be reimbursed if you achieved the Advanced Certificate. So, if this applies to you, you will need your employer’s assistance in completing the online application.


Please make sure you have all required information and documentation ready to upload, because currently there is NOT the facility to save your application and return to it at a later date. 

Download How to Apply March 2025

STEP 4: Applying for an MRBA Skills Advanced Certificate bursary

Assuming you have all the information you need, then you should complete the application form by clicking the button below.

Apply now

What happens next?

Once you have submitted your application online, you’ll receive a confirmation email.  In line with the key dates above, your application will be reviewed in complete confidence by MRBA Trustees, and you will receive an email confirming the outcome of your application within the decision outcome period shown above.

If you are successful, the bursary amount awarded will be paid to your chosen course provider.

Interested but still have questions? 

Then email your questions to