MRBA Bursary funding for the MRS Foundation course and MRS Certificate in Market Research

There are two easy to follow steps to applying for MRBA Bursary Funding for the MRS Foundation Course and Certificate in Market Research:

STEP 1:  Are you eligible for MRBA Skills funding for the MRS Foundation Course and Certificate in Market Research?

First of all, have you worked for at least 3 months continuously in the UK market or social research sector within the past three years? Unfortunately, if you haven’t, you can’t apply for MRBA Skills funding, sorry!

Before moving onto the next step, does ONE of the below statements best describe you?

  • I am currently an employee, fieldworker, or intern in a UK market or social research agency/supplier which has an annual turnover of less than £2m and my annual earnings are less than £25,000, OR

  • I am currently an employee, fieldworker or intern in a UK client-side research team/buyer whose annual research and insight spend is less than £200,000 and my annual earnings are less than £25,000, OR

  • I am currently a UK freelance or research contractor with an annual income of less than £30,000 OR

  • I am currently an unemployed UK researcher seeking a new role in UK market and social research sector.

Sadly, if NONE of the above statements describe your current research employment status, then you will NOT be eligible for MRBA Skills funding, sorry!

STEP 2: Fill out and email the application form to


Please read the application form. This explains the information you will need to have to hand when you are ready to apply for funding, this includes the need for your personal statement and your commitment to completing the course within a 6-month period. The application form also details the terms and conditions of the bursary, so please ensure you read this too.

Download Application for funding for the MRS Foundation Course & Certificate of Market Research

What happens next?

Once you have completed your application online and sent it to us, it will be reviewed in complete confidence by the MRBA Skills Committee. You will then receive an email confirming the outcome of your application as soon as possible. Please note that once the annual 20 bursaries have been awarded, funding for this bursary will not be available until the following year.

MRBA decisions are final. Funding will be made directly with the MRS and you will be notified when this has taken place.

Interested but still have questions? 

Then email your questions to