It is with sadness that we learn of the death of John Downham. One of the four founder members of the MRBA in 1977, John became...
For almost two years Covid-19 has impacted many lives; job loss, financial difficulties and personal problems have all increased. But, thanks to the donations from our...
The first MRBA Skills: Back to School event took place on 18th October. Organised by the Market Research Benevolent Association’s spokesperson Viginia Monk and...
Notice and agenda for the forty-fourth annual general meeting of the Market Research Benevolent Association will take place on Thursday 30th September 2021 at...
AST Media 1st Golf Day in Support of the MRBA The AST Media Golf Day was blessed with glorious weather at East Sussex National and had...
Being in debt can be very worrying but help is available. Charities such as the MRBA may provide some short-term financial help, but for on-going debt...
The MRBA is once again hosting its annual fundraising auction, but this year is taking a different approach. With an aim of spreading joy and lifting...
We’d like to give a huge thank you to one of our wonderful Corporate Patrons, Criteria Fieldwork for donating festive hampers for those we have helped...